This is yet another way that hospitals cut costs.  They don’t take breaks and carry linens and medications throughout.  I have covered many of these over the years at the Quack and some even ride the elevators and talk.  They have sensors so they don’t crash into you if you step into their path.  Here’s one that blasts bacterial in a hospital room. 

Hospital Robot Blasts Bacteria With One UV Swoop to Disinfect Rooms And All the Contents

Some already have CPT codes like this one for use at home.  This one at the link below has a video that looks like Rose the Robot from the Jetsons. 

New CPT Codes - Billing Codes for Robot and Home Monitoring Services – Telemedicine

How far will it all go, here’s one that gives sponge baths…not sure if I would be ready for this one yet.

Robots Giving Sponge Baths In the Hospital –Proto Type at Georgia Tech

In Scotland here’s a hospital that has a pretty big fleet of them including their own parking spots in the garage.  The robots use laser technology to find their way around. The technology is similar to that already used in car plants and industrial shop floors as well as in hospitals in some parts of Europe and the USA.  The machines will be loaded and unloaded in a basement area and make their deliveries to wards via a number of special lifts.  BD

Scottish Hospital Using Robots to Perform Tasks Such as Cleaning, Delivering Supplies And Dispensing Drugs


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