This interview from Charlie Roses touches on many items and Nobel Prize Winner Muhammad Yunus adds what he has been able to accomplish in his part of the world in Bangladesh and how some of those principles can be applied here, coming together of both sides, imagedifferent minds, different ideas that can all be combined to hopefully find the best of all.

One item addressed is obesity and how the US compares to other countries in the world and how far out we are on not getting a handle on it.  Also discussed is the need to cure cancer, being a victim himself, Mr. Milken states there is nobody happier to be at the meeting than himself as he was given about a year to live when diagnosed with cancer himself.  The conversation focuses on the economy, yet during every portion of the discussion is comes back around to healthcare being number one as if you don’t have healthcare, there’s no real growth in the economy as technology is not able to forge ahead if the health of the US and the world are not addressed, as the “computer bots” are not making those decisions, it is still a world of human beings.  Also education is a focus and how we compare with other countries.   We have the best “free” tool in the world sitting on our computers called the internet, but yet so many do not take full advantage of the information that can be absorbed.image

I find this to be an issue myself, people just don’t or won’t read, and when it comes to healthcare this is a must.  In today’s world with healthcare we all need to be the “informed patient”.  Personal health records are forging ahead at a very rapid rate and we all need to jump in and take responsibility for our own care and become part of the team.  We all have an imageinflux of information overload and we also must entertain the methodologies needed to handle it, as technology is only serving to accelerate every day and those who don’t partake to a substantial level will be left behind.  You can do a search on this site and find many posts related to Personal Health Records, along with links to both Google Health and Microsoft Health Vault to get started.  If you are a physician reading here, there’s the free service from NEPSI to get started with e-prescribing on the site, which also has a permanent link here.  We need to adapt new technology to not only move forward and benefit healthcare and cure cancer, but also the world economy as business can’t be run like we did in the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s,or 90s.  BD  

“A conversation with Michael Milken, Chairman of The Milken Institute and Muhammad Yunus, Founder of Grameen Bank.  Today is also the annual meeting at the Milken Foundation, addressing the State of the State for California.  More information and videos from the  conference can be found here: 

Milken State of the State Annual Meeting

One of the other projects from the Milken Foundation is the Prostate Cancer Foundation.

A conversation with Michael Milken & Muhammad Yunus - Charlie Rose


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