During the hurricane evacuation process, each headed different directions, but the doctor’s Blackberry notified him that he was need by a patient, and being both were in network and with electronic medical records, he was able to fill a prescription for her from a distance via e-prescribing as well as email the medical advice she needed.

There are also advantages to having your records on line, like this office that closed and patients are still trying to get their records.  Records that can be imported in to a personal health record account can avoid all this in a heartbeat.  BD 

One of the major health problems people faced during Hurricane Katrina was losing contact with their doctors, and access to their medical records. But for Hurricane Gustav that problem was solved for one patient. Now there is a way that you and your doctors can stay in touch everyday no matter where you are.

But for this doctor-patient team it was simple because both are on ihealthrecord.org.

"This is an on line personal health record that is free to patients that any one can sign up for and it's basically a way to make their records more portable during times of evacuation," says Dr. Brent Wallis, the LSU Health Sciences Center Director of  Electronic Health Records.

New way for doctors and patients to stay connected | News for New Orleans, Louisiana | Local News | News for New Orleans, Louisiana | wwltv.com


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