Video at the link the surgeon states "it's like looking through a window"...the pictures below show both the camera and monitor...BD 

Rochester General Hospital is now using a specially designed HDTV camera system that is improving the imageway surgery is done. Dr. Louis Eichel says, "It gives you better definition of the tissue planes between the different anatomy. It can do more like a precise dissection and minimizes any complications." image
Dr. Eichel performs laproscopic surgery at Rochester General Hospital. The minimally invasive surgery is now easier and more precise with the help of these new high definition cameras. The HD camera chip is placed at the tip of the endoscope, that's the instrument that goes into the body through a tiny incision.

Each system costs 25-thousand dollars. RGH purchased one system,  the second was made possible through a generous donation. - HDTV technology improves surgery


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